Project 2025 - part 2 - the disabled, elderly, babies and children
and the one-in-five Americans that rely on Medicaid health coverage
Medicaid provides healthcare coverage for low-income individuals and families, children, pregnant women, elderly adults, and people with disabilities.
If former President Donald Trump is elected, many will lose coverage due to caps.
Project 2025, which will guide a Trump Administration, seeks to impose “targeted time limits or lifetime caps on [Medicaid] benefits.”
Proponents of cuts are pushing for lifetime maximum of 36 months and/or a dollar limit, either of which would seriously affect:
older folks in need of nursing home care who could get kicked out of nursing homes when their 36 months or lifetime maximum hits
disabled people unable to work who no longer have healthcare and are forced to live on the street
babies, orphans and children with special needs who run out of dollars or need care after 36 months
Next up - why slashing Medicaid will drive up families’ and employers’ healthcare costs.
Thanks Regan...I too thought we were supposed to be our brothers' and sisters' keeper.
be well Joe
Agreed Tyrone - thanks for the note.
be well Joe